MMIWG is an acronym that stands for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. It was created because of the staggering rate of violence that women and girls from First Nations face: the picture on the right shows some general statistics laid out on a Native Women's dress. Below are websites dedicated to the issue and divided into organized sections, with some websites given short descriptions.
MMIWG Dress by Urban Indian Health Institute
General Info
This website is a good start to learning about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Urban Indian Health Institute
This is an in depth analysis of the issue by the Urban Indian Health Institute.
Native Hope
Native Hope uses a more personal approach to shed on light on the issue with short films and stories.
This is by the Coalition to Stop Violence against Native Women. They put together a wealth of statistics regarding native violence and MMIWG.
Guides and Resources
We R Native
This is a general to-do list of for those who want to know how to help and what to do if you need help by We R Native.
When a Loved One Goes Missing
This is a guide on what to when a loved one goes missing. Everyone should read it, but the four basic steps are summarized here:
  1. Contact local law enforcement
  2. Gather and track additional information
  3. Preserve important evidence
  4. Enlist the immediate help of your family, community or victim services program
No More Stolen Sisters
This is the campaign guide by No More Stolen Sisters.
Events and News
Native Womens Wilderness
This website keeps tracks of various statistics and policy initiatives and landmark decisions in
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
The beginning week of May is dedicated to MMIWG events. This is an example of the schedule of events during this National Week of Action from the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center.
Choctaw Nation
The Choctaw Nation website also has events related to MMIWG.
State Legislative Tracker
This website keeps track of legislative actions regarding MMIWG. It is updated by volunteers and has a mailing list.
Social Media